Hey, my name is Rylee

And yup, I'm a senior and this is my last year in the Mac Lab. Over the past 4 years, I have been in the Mac Lab as a student, a proctor, a Teaching Assistant, and soon an alum. Here's a couple things that I'll miss the most about the Mac Lab.

Late nights in the lab

Specifically the night before a big project is due. Sometimes other members of the class will be their too and you'll give each other sleepy feedback on your projects.

Proctor shifts

From working through the Covid era to finally getting back to normal, it's been refreshing to see students using the lab as a community work space again.

End of the year parties

Everyone getting together in the teaching theater to watch movies together, have snacks, and very recently, relax in a ball pit.

The creatives

Working in the same space as other creative individuals and professors who are kind but constructive with their critiques and want to see you and your projects thrive.


This one speaks for itself...

Thanks, Mac Lab :)